
Photosynthesis Sustainable Fine-Art Photography is an innovative brand of fine-art photography and graphic design. The creator of the Print&Plant approach, and the first to explore the concept of genuine sustainability in photography.

Everything started from a simple dream: “Wouldn’t it be amazing if every time we bought something, a tree was planted?”

Human beings have a fundamental role in protecting the environment and fighting climate change. We strongly believe that the current climate emergency can only be contained by perseverant, targeted and dynamic actions.

So, Photosynthesis Sustainable Fine-Art Photography wants to lead the way towards the realisation of sustainability in photography. We are advocates of conscious consuming, and we commit to increase awareness in consumers of the environmental, social and economic sustainability of a product, through detailed information about the materials and the manufacturing process of our prints.

Photosynthesis Sustainable Fine-Art Photography respects and promotes:

Environmental protection through the “Print&Plant” approach. For each purchase made, we plant a tree in Photosynthesis Forest;

– The use of certified materials, committed to the environment, that require strict environmental sustainability criteria;

– Support of small craft business;

– Accurate selection and promotion of projects that protect wildlife and indigenous or rural communities.

For Photosynthesis Sustainable Fine-Art Photography, Nature can represent, in all its expressions the uniqueness of Art;

today and for future generations.

The team


Our advantages


Environmental protection

Support small business

Promotion of wilflide or rural community project